Marcelino Ramirez

Marcelino has been a reader since 1995. He has participated in 1,338 events related to sharing The Urantia Book. He has visited 22 states of Venezuela for this purpose and have had some meetings in other countries such as Chile, Mexico, Aruba and Colombia. Since 2001 he has been dedicated, full-time, to the dissemination of the fifth epochal revelation. Marcelino is a member of Asociación Urantia Occidente Venezuela.
“During the almost 43 years that I have been searching and sharing of Universal Truth, after the Spirit of God, nothing (of what my senses have captured) has produced more positive stimulus and a favorable change of life, as the content of the Urantia Book, especially the Life and Teachings of Jesus. For this reason, I have made myself available to the Divinity and my Guardian Angels, all the efforts of my will and ability to experience and share this Revealed Message and thus be able to inspire my fellows to be encouraged to know, study and put into practice these wonderful Revealed blessings to our very troubled Urantia.”