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Insights From The Urantia Book

Our Spiritual Parent

A divine presence fills all time and space as far into the universe as anyone might see…and farther. This presence is the all-encompassing intelligence who envisioned the vast universe of universes, invested it with spiritual reality, and expressed it in the physical form human beings see as countless points of light in the darkness. When we look at the night sky, we may feel overwhelmed by the immensity and beauty of God’s creation.

The Ruler and Sustainer of Universes

God is all eternal power, a majestic presence, a transcendental ideal, and a glorious spirit who gives all creation meaning and purpose. God upholds all energy, matter, mind, and spirit. Yet God rules the vast universe with love and wisdom—the kind of love and wisdom that the best parents have for their cherished children.

A Loving Spiritual Parent

God is a person—the original person and the pattern for all persons throughout existence. God can know us, understand us, and see our talents, as well as our future. This is someone we can love without fear, someone who will always love us and never desert us.

God is inherently kind, naturally compassionate, and everlastingly merciful.  (2:4.2)

This loving God is called the “Universal Father” in The Urantia Book. Our Universal Father is the source of all love—motherly love and fatherly love. Our divine parent may be called “Father” but perfectly combines the love of a divine mother and a divine father in one person, our loving spiritual parent.

A Part of God’s Divine Self.

The creator and upholder of all beings and things has placed a part of his divine self in us. The Universal Father’s divine presence lives in each of us as a loving friend who teaches and guides us daily. Our loving spiritual parent willingly experiences the life that we choose to live. What a gift it is to be trusted in this way!

The Spirit of God Living in Each of Us

The spirit of God within us teaches us to love and brings a knowingness in our inner selves of what is right for us, our loving choice in each decision, large or small. We know what is loving, yet the choice to act on that knowledge is ours. Each decision is truly our own choice. Each time we choose the higher way, the meaning of life shifts a bit. We become more loving. Our lives become more satisfying to our souls, and higher values grow in us. When we follow the spirit’s inner guidance, our lives are blessed with challenge, purpose, integrity, and peace.

Spiritual Family

The blessing of our Universal Father’s spirit connects us to each other as well. We find a family in those who choose to walk in divine love. We progressively rise above the discord and selfishness of a human family and catch a glimpse of mutual loving harmony in the family of God. Even those who have not yet discovered their inner spirits are our sisters and brothers in potential.

Our Father’s Love

The most transforming aspect of our spiritual parent’s gift of spirit lies in our own response to this divine spirit within us. Our minds are not capable of understanding the reality  of God’s spirit living in us. But we can, with patience and time, come to experience the love of this divine spark of God.

Mortals cannot possibly know the infinitude of the heavenly Father. Finite mind cannot think through such an absolute truth or fact. But this same finite human being can actually feel—literally experience—the full and undiminished impact of such an infinite Father’s LOVE.  (3:4.6)

The spirit of our divine parent, The Universal Father, living in our daily lives is the golden key to unlock a meaningful, rewarding life.

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