Jesus lived in a time when people were told that God’s help was assured by animal sacrifices made at an altar; that the more expensive the sacrifice, the greater the help.
Jesus told all that neither material possessions nor temporal prosperity bring God’s favor; that God loves the poor just as much as the rich. Jesus’ teachings were revolutionary.
He said:
God loves you—every one of you—as individuals…I come to give you a personal religion. (145:2.4)
What Is the Personal Religion Jesus Offered?
God is our divine parent and a living friend who loves each of us personally and offers us constant companionship and guidance.
When we love as God loves—living to benefit all people, we develop a deep understanding and appreciation of all people. Loving is the supreme joy of life and binds us together as a spiritual family now and in eternity.
A life of freedom and originality is more than just an idea. Jesus revealed a spiritual reality available to each person of every walk of life and of all faiths. As we seek to discover our own personal faith, we can nurture a connection with God and we can love as God loves.
Jesus’ Personal Relationship with God
Jesus began human life as we all do—without understanding spirituality or knowing God. His human parents loved him with a beautiful, parental love. As he learned about God, he began to reach out in simple child-like language to his spiritual parent in the same way he connected with his human parents. He learned to trust God as a child trusts a loving parent.
Jesus shared fully with his Father in heaven. He withheld nothing—every thought, every feeling, all motives, and goals. This is what prayer was to Jesus. As he grew to adulthood, he blazed a new trail through the confusion of this world into a deep, intimate relationship with his heavenly Father.
Jesus’ inner connection with God made him feel personally loved, nurtured, supported, and strengthened. Jesus experienced the divine urge to seek to become like God and became devoted to living his human life in harmony with his spiritual parent.
Jesus’ Life Focus Was On Love
Jesus’ choices in life, from the seemingly insignificant to the important, all reflected the beautiful and loving values he saw in God. His whole life was a revelation of how to love unselfishly.
In his ministry Jesus taught about the power of love and told stories that brought this truth to life for his listeners. But even more powerful was the way he lived his life in tune with the principles he taught.
Jesus loved people with unending affection, encouragement, and dedication.. He loved the men who were his chosen apostles and the dedicated followers in the women’s corps. He lived with them as an elder brother, as a wise friend, and as a leader. He taught them patiently and trusted them to teach others in their own individual ways.
He saw those he taught and ministered to as part of his spiritual family doing their best, even though they might be confused and discouraged. He loved them with the best parental love, counseled them on their everyday human problems, and fed them the truth in a form they could grasp. He loved doing even small things for the people he encountered, from carrying a burden to restoring courage and self-respect.
Jesus Loved Even His Enemies
While we may see people as enemies, Jesus saw people first as his spiritual brother or sister. His response to personal intimidation and threat was, and still is, extremely uncommon in this world. He did not react to personal insults or even aggression. He avoided all violence toward others. He felt indignation on behalf of the oppressed, but never sought vengeance.
To those who knowingly plotted against or attacked him, he showed forbearance and often made no reply. To people who questioned Jesus in an accusing way, if their questions indicated any interest at all in their own personal growth, he responded in a way that could help them spiritually grow if they took his ideas to heart. His primary motive was to do good to all who would receive it.
Jesus Sees Us as Part of a Spiritual Family
Jesus called us the children of God and revealed a God who treats each of us as if we are the best-loved child. We have a wise and loving parent—a parent who loves us even more than the best possible human father and mother.
When we develop loving attitudes and take an interest in helping others, we begin to be conscious of our place in the spiritual family of God. This vast universe family includes angels and other spiritual beings as well as mortals. By living a life of service, Jesus demonstrated that all mortals are to be loved and helped.
The Religion Of Jesus Is Available to All
Jesus encourages us to use our spiritual experience to help us see our connection to the spirit within us. God will become more real to each of us as we allow the spirit to lead us, as we live the religion of Jesus.
We may be able to preach a religion about Jesus and remain unchanged.
living the religion of Jesus
changes who we are
and how we live in the world.